
Showing posts from June, 2023

Emulator Debugging: Halt During Boot

My emulator has a bug.  I've encountered and fixed countless bugs over the course of development, but this one has haunted me since I was first able to boot the IBM 5160 BIOS, and still isn't squashed. I thought it might be interesting to blog my process of finally squashing this bug once and for all - as I start to write this blog entry, I haven't yet. So we'll see if I am successful! The bug is that while using the IBM 5160 BIOS, if you hit a key during boot, the system will halt. Not good. Many error conditions in the BIOS POST process will produce beeps or error codes and carry on, but I suppose IBM warranted specific, early errors to be so severe that there was no point in continuing. Background Before any of the following will make sense, I'll need to explain a little bit of the two chips involved here, the PPI and the PIC. The PIC The PIC, or the Intel 8259A Programmable Interrupt Controller, manages interrupts on the IBM PC. It has 8 interrupt request lines,...

Hardware Validating an Emulator

In the emulation world, there are a few different ways to determine if your emulator is accurate.  The traditional way has been through the use of test ROMs: ROMs that either act as cartridges for cartridge-based console systems, or replacement system ROMs that execute from the system bootstrap. These ROMs will typically run a specified suite of tests and output pass/fail status either via the screen or some IO port.   The 8088 doesn't have a dedicated test ROM (yet), but test ROMS exist for the 80186 and 80386 processors .  Another more recent method is to use a CPU instruction test suite, typically comprised of thousands of JSON files, each a record of a single instruction's execution including cycle states and bus accesses. Each JSON file provides the information to set up the CPU state for the test, and the final resulting state for a correct execution of the instruction. A collection of such tests has been compiled by Thomas Harte, available here .  But aga...